



creative direction, branding



The Challenge

Artisan Barber, a barbershop located in New York, sought to modernize its brand image to stand out in a competitive market. The challenge was to overhaul their visual identityβ€”logo, marketing materials, and packagingβ€”while ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. The goal was to create a brand that resonated with their target audience and reflected their craftsmanship and heritage.

Our Approach

I developed a comprehensive rebranding strategy for Artisan Barber that included designing a new logo to capture their blend of craftsmanship and heritage. I crafted a cohesive visual identity using updated colors, fonts, and graphics to convey a contemporary yet classic appeal. Additionally, I redesigned marketing materials and packaging to enhance product presentation and customer experience. Consistency across all brand touchpoints, from physical storefronts to online platforms, was prioritized to ensure a seamless and memorable brand experience for customers.

The Results

The rebranding efforts led to a streamlined design process and significantly increased Artisan Barber's online sales, foot traffic, and social media engagement. These outcomes demonstrated the successful alignment of Artisan Barber's brand with the preferences and expectations of their target market, helping them stand out in a crowded industry.


  • Charlie McCoy - Owner